Food Safety

There are over 250 registered food businesses operating within the District Council of Loxton Waikerie area. Under the Food Act 2001 a food business is defined as a business or activity (other than primary food production) that involves the handling and sale of food intended for sale. Food businesses can range from a major food manufacturer to a community group holding a sausage sizzle fundraiser.

Council's Role

Council promotes food safety in the district and supports our local food businesses and community groups to maintain the highest level of safety and hygiene. Environmental Health Officers (EHO) are dedicated to providing food business proprietors and food handlers with advice and education to ensure compliance with the Food Safety Standards. Our role is to:

  • Support a strong culture of food safety within our district, providing both residents and visitors with peace of mind whenever they decide to dine out
  • Provide information about safe handling practices
  • Complete announced and unannounced food safety inspections of food businesses
  • Investigate reports about food and food handling practices involving food businesses
  • Conduct food safety audits at food businesses that service food to vulnerable populations (aged care, hospitals, delivered meals and childcare businesses)
  • Assist SA Health with food recalls and food poisoning outbreak situations

Starting a Food Business?

The proprietor of a food business must notify Council of their food business prior to commencing operations, register for a Food Business Notification (FBN) Number, pass a food premises inspection from Council's EHO, and ensure all food handlers within the business are adequately trained in food safety.

Download a Food Business Notification Form and return to SA Health for processing. Food business proprietors will receive a unique FBN number which is recognised across South Australia, and enables temporary and mobile food vendors to operate in other Council areas. SA Health will also send a copy of your FBN to Council on your behalf.

If you have completed a FBN form and unsure of your number, contact Council’s Environmental Health Officer for assistance.

All food businesses are inspected on a routine basis and charged in line with the Food Act 2001 Regulations. Fees for food premise inspections are available at Council’s Fees and Charges.

Council’s Environmental Health Officer uses the Australian Food Safety Assessment for inspecting food premises, which covers the following food activities:

  • Cleanliness and hygiene of equipment and  premises
  • Health, hygiene and knowledge of food handlers
  • Products and ingredients
  • Food storage and display
  • Temperature control
  • Processing equipment, method and packaging
  • Food transportation and distribution

All food businesses are required to ensure that everyone who handles food for sale in their business has skills and knowledge appropriate to their activities. Council is assisting food businesses to meet these obligations by providing free access to an online training tool.

SA Health proudly supports Department of Health Victoria's 'DoFoodSafely' Program. You will need to complete the following topics:

  • Why food safety?
  • Personal hygiene
  • Food handling
  • Food contamination
  • Food delivery, storage, and display
  • Cleaning and sanitising
  • Food allergens

You must score above 90% to receive a certificate.

Visit Do Food Safely to conduct your training now.

New Food Safety Requirements - 3.2.2A

In December 2023, a new food safety standard was brought into effect, requiring food businesses in specific categories to implement additional food safety management tools.

The new national Food Safety Standard, Standard 3.2.2A – Food Safety Management Tools, came in to force in December 2023. The Standard expands on existing requirements for food handlers and food processing, and introduces three tools. The tools aim to assist certain food businesses to ensure they’re making safe food. For more information about the requirements and eligibility criteria, click here.

Council has agreed to assist sporting clubs, service clubs, and community groups in the region who may be impacted by the new Food Safety Standard (3.2.2A – Food Safety Management Tools) that recently came into effect for organisations handling and selling food in Australia. For more information on an available subsidy for the food safety supervisor course, click here.

Mobile Food Vans, Temporary Food Stalls & Event Planning

The food legislation contains requirements that all food businesses must meet to ensure a high standard of safe food practices. While there are some exemptions available, the majority of these requirements still apply to temporary food stalls and mobile food vans that trade at community events, public spaces or anywhere where food is sold even as a ‘once off’ event.

Mobile food vans are food businesses designed to be moved from place to place and more regular in their operations and can include a vehicle, trailer, van, tent, stall, table, barbeque, pizza oven or other mobile structures.

Download the Mobile Food Vending Application Form and return to Council for processing.

Temporary food stalls can include a booth, tent, marquee or other temporary equipment, such as a trestle table and barbeque. Download the Design and Operation of a Temporary Food Stall which is the minimum standard expected of food businesses and food handlers.

Download the Small Event Application Form if you wish to hold a temporary food stall event. There is a section in the form to list the types of food intended for sale. Council’s Environmental Health Officer may contact you for further information regarding your food activities

Please note that you still require a FBN regardless if you're operating as a temporary food business. This includes 'once off' events.

If a major event is being held on Council land, it is required that the organiser of the event collect information regarding the food businesses intending to operate.

Go to the Event Permit Application information page here and return the correct application to Council for processing.

Additional Food Safety Resources

The SA Health website provides a large array of information for Food Safety in relation to businesses.