Freedom of Information

Freedom of Information

The Freedom of Information Act serves to promote openness and transparency in governance and accountability.

Submit a Freedom of Information application form online. Applications cost $40.75, additional costs may be required in line with Freedom of Information (Fees and Charges) Regulations 2003.

Before applying make sure you've read through the frequently asked questions below, or exhausted other methods to find Council documents on our website.

Frequently asked questions

Public documents

A number of council documents are accessible without any application. These public documents are often policies, plans, registers, strategies. Most public documents can be found by searching our website. Many public documents are also made available for viewing or purchase at the Council offices, upon request.

Copies of notices & renewals

If you’ve already received a notice, renewal or correspondence and would like another copy, most of the time it can be re-issued without charge by making an enquiry online or by contacting 08 8584 8000.

Development application records

Viewing or receiving documents related to your development application - eg plans, layout, decision notifications lodged on or after 19 March 2021 can be accessed via Plan SA website. To request information lodged prior to 19 March 2021, make an enquiry online or by contacting 08 8584 8000.

Property ownership information - extract of rates register

A public register of rateable properties, including ownership details, can be viewed at the Loxton Council Office. Electronic extracts of the rate register can be purchased for a fee per property.

Documents exempt from public release

Some documents, or parts of documents, may be exempt from public release under provisions of the Act.

Common examples of exempt documents include those which if released:

  • Would include unreasonable disclosure of the personal affairs of another person
  • Could endanger personal or public safety and security
  • Could affect a judicial process or law enforcement
  • Would breach provisions in another Act - eg Copyright
  • Would have an adverse effect on the commercial, professional or business affairs of another person or agency

Details of restricted and exempt documents can be found within the Freedom of Information Act

Application fee

There is usually a fee for making an application. Information on current  application fees can be found State Records FOI Fees and Charges

Processing fees

If you are seeking large numbers of documents, Council may require processing fees to be paid in accordance with the South Australian Freedom of Information Fees and Charges Regulations These fees are calculated based on time spent accessing the documents and the costs of providing documents - eg cost of printing, transcribing, storage devices.

Requests for small numbers of specific documents rarely incur additional processing fees. The more specific you can make your application, the less likely Council will need to charge for access. To assist in narrowing the scope of your application, consider specific date ranges, names, and details.

If the application is personal in nature, two hours of processing is provided free of charge. Personal documents include your own financial affairs, criminal records, marital or personal relationships, employment records, or personal qualities and attributes.

Once your application has been received, Council will contact you if additional processing fees will be required, and you will be given the choice to continue, reduce the scope, or withdraw your application.

Are there any concessions?

If you are a concession card holder, your fees will be waived. Proof of concession is required at time of application.

If you aren’t a concession card holder, but the fees associated with your application would cause you to suffer financial hardship your fees may also be waived, reduced or put on hold. Before seeking a fee waiver for financial hardship, a Council Freedom Of Information Officer may be able to assist by working with you to reduce the scope or setting up a payment plan.

Step 1: Acknowledgement

Once your application has been received, you will receive an acknowledgement. If additional processing fees are required, you will be contacted before our FOI officers can proceed. Applications will be dealt with as soon as practicable, within 30 days. In certain circumstances we may need to extend the timeframe for your application. We will notify you within 20 days if an extension is necessary and the reasons why.

Step 2: Consultation

Some documents require us to consult with other parties before we can release the information. This may include consulting with any other parties listed in your application, or any person or organisation who could be affected by release of the information. During the consultation period, your name and scope of request can be released to other parties.

Step 3: Response & decision

You will receive a written decision, called a Notice of Determination. If your request is refused, or part of it is refused, the notice will explain why this has happened. It will also include information about your rights of review and appeal if you are unhappy with the decision.

Yes. Assistance can be provided by our Freedom of Information Officer or the department most relevant to your enquiry.

Freedom of information application online form.

Written FOI applications should be addressed to:

Freedom of Information Officer
District Council of Loxton Waikerie
PO Box 409
Loxton  SA  5092

Relevant Information

Freedom of Information Act 1991

State Records of South Australia – where you can learn about how Freedom of Information operates in South Australia and access the various forms that support your rights under the FOI Act.