Register of By-Laws

Register of By-Laws

The Local Government Act 1999 and other Acts provide Council with the ability and authority to make by-laws for the good rule and government of the area, and for the convenience, comfort and safety of its community. By-Laws may have clauses that prohibit, regulate, control, restrict or require permits for certain activities.

By-Laws are legally enforceable within the Council area and penalties can apply for breaches or conduct that is contrary to the requirements of by-laws. All by-laws are reviewed every 7 years and the review and or development of by-laws requires public consultation that ensures consideration of public feedback.

District Council of Loxton Waikerie By-Laws Register

By-Law Determinations and Resolutions

Pursuant to Section 252(6) of the Local Government Act, if a by-law only applies within a part or parts of the area of a council as the council may determine from time to time, and the council has made a determination, a certified copy of the resolution making the determination must accompany a copy of the by-law provided under subsection (5).

For the purposes of the register of by-laws the following is a list of the determinations made by Council under by-laws and is to be read in conjunction with the register of by laws above as required under Section 252(1).

By-Law Determinations

The following documents outline the By Laws determinations made by the Council.

By-Law No 2 - Local Government Land - Holder Bend Permitted Camping Area

By-Law No 2 - Local Government Land - Paruna Permitted Camping Area

By-Law No 5 - Dogs - Loxton and Waikerie Aerodromes