Waste Transfer Stations - Location & Opening Times

The Loxton, Waikerie and Moorook Waste Transfer Stations are available to take waste that can’t be disposed of in the kerbside collection.

Sort & Save fees apply at all transfer stations to encourage customers to sort their loads to assist with our recycling and reuse of waste but also to reinforce the recycling behaviours we are trying to encourage.

Please note there are now eftpos facilities available at the Loxton and Waikerie Waste Transfer Stations.


The Waste Transfer Stations are no longer able to accept asbestos/fibre cement sheeting, commercial loads of concrete or contaminated trailer loads of concrete at its Waste Transfer Stations. Please dispose of this material at the Riverland Resource Recovery Facility (Cleanaway) in Monash, and understand that the Waste Transfer Station attendants have the right to refuse any loads if they are suspected to be contaminated or contain fibre cement material. Council reserves the right to charge the customer for costs related to the incorrect disposal of contaminated waste.

The Loxton, Waikerie and Moorook Waste Transfer Stations will be open 9am until 12pm on days forecasted 40 degrees or above according to www.bom.gov.au at 8pm the day prior. Members of the public are encouraged to check the forecast on days of extreme heat prior to visiting the transfer station.

All Waste Transfer Stations will be CLOSED on Public Holidays

If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact Council on (08) 8584 8000 (Loxton) or (08) 8541 0700 (Waikerie).

Loxton Waste Transfer Station Opening Hours

Location: 360 Mackey Road, Loxton


Waikerie Waste Transfer Station Opening Hours

Location: 264 Maggea Road, Waikerie


Moorook Waste Transfer Station Opening Hours

The Moorook Waste Transfer Station is currently being manged by a local contractor however all normal opening hours and fees and charges still apply.

Location: Section 454 Schenscher Road, Moorook
