Event Applications

Event Applications

The District Council of Loxton Waikerie recognises and values the important role that events and festivals play in the life and vitality of the region. Anyone planning to host an event or set-up a temporary stall on a public street, footpath, open space or property under the care and control of the District Council of Loxton Waikerie must complete either of the below application forms. To apply for an Event Permit, please return the application forms and other requested documents (including Public Liability Insurance certificate of currency) to the District Council of Loxton Waikerie council@lwdc.sa.gov.au or PO Box 409 LOXTON SA 5333.

Site availability: If you wish to use Council land for your event, please contact Council prior to lodging any application to check site availability, and discuss the application process.

Use of sporting grounds: If the request is seeking use of a sporting licensed area, Council is required to negotiate dates between the relevant licensees and the applicant.  Note: Use of club rooms by an event is arranged through direct negotiation between the applicant and the club, Council staff can provide contact details to the organisers.

When making an event application you may be asked to provide various additional documents (but not limited too) including a site map, public liability insurance, traffic management or parking requirements, third party insurances, security, waste management, signage, and other requirements. In addition, if you are serving food or alcohol you will need the appropriate licenses.

If you require further assistance please contact the Community Development Officer on telephone 85848000 or email council@lwdc.sa.gov.au to arrange a pre-lodgement discussion.

Event Permits

To conduct events and organised activities on District Council of Loxton Waikerie reserves, ovals and waterways applicants must submit an application to Council on one of the following forms.

Event Category Application Timeframes

Depending on the size and requirements of your event, sufficient notice is required to process your application. This will ensure all requirements are able to be addressed to deliver a safe and successful event. The District Council of Loxton Waikerie reserves the right to decline an application if insufficient notice is provided.

To ensure the success of your event the below table shows how much notice an application is required to be received prior to an event. If you wish to apply at short notice, please contact Council's Event Team to discuss if your application can be accepted.

Please note: The submission of an application does not imply the booking is confirmed - it is a registration of interest only. This also applies for events that have previously happened on an annual basis.

Small Event
Events with fewer than 100 people, minimal infrastructure, non-profit trade stalls.
Examples: street stalls, raffles, badge days, sausage sizzle, A frame signage and information stalls.
4 weeks’ notice
Medium EventAn event of 100 to 1000 people, moderate infrastructure, liquor licensing and/or trade stalls.
Examples: fun runs, music events, cultural celebrations.
8 weeks’ notice
Large EventAttendance over 1000 people, significant infrastructure, trade stalls, liquor licensing or amplified music.
Examples: large music or cultural events, food & wine festivals, parades, large sporting events.
12 weeks’ notice to 20 weeks’ notice
Venue HireUsed for council managed public facilities such as meeting rooms, halls and institutes4 weeks’ notice
Hire of The PinesUsed for events taking place at The Pines Historic House and Gardens.4 weeks' notice
Commercial Outdoor Fitness ActivityProvides the opportunity to conduct to plan and undertake outdoor fitness training activities on council open public space areas.4 weeks’ notice
Wedding/Funeral CeremoniesProvides the opportunity to conduct a wedding or funeral ceremony on some council’s parks, gardens or reserves.4 weeks’ notice
BuskingProvides the opportunity for an individual, club, group or company to perform in public in exchange for donations.4 weeks’ notice
FilmingTo conduct film-related activity, includes stills photography and any form of image capturing that is for a commercial purpose/use.4 weeks’ notice
Temporary Road ClosureTemporary road closure for the purpose of holding an event of any size.8 weeks’ notice
Temporary Community Event Sign/BannerSignage promoting community event or activity that is being held within the District Council of Loxton Waikerie and/or Riverland area. It is not the intention of this Authorisation for a commercial business to advertise goods for sale or product promotion.4 weeks’ notice

Further Information

For groups that don’t have insurance required to hold an event, Local Community Insurance Services (LCIS) have insurance policies available at competitive rates specifically for community type events.
Please contact the Team at Local Community Insurance Services at www.localcommunityinsurance.com.au or on 1300 853 800.